Herbal supplement and natural remedy products are what Australia Natural Health supplies. The products are scientifically researched and uses finely selected natural herbs.
AUSTRALIA NATURAL HEALTH herbal products are made from top quality ingredients. These products include trademarked natural herbal formulas for insomnia and vertigo, ageing, allergy problems, cholesterol and blood sugar level’s maintenance, men’s well being, and natural anti-inflammatory pain relief for sports injuries and arthritis sufferers. See all of our herbal products, for increased vitality – Age Reviver, allergy relief – Biminne, minimise allergic inflammation – Biminne II, assist to sustain balanced level of cholesterol – Cholesol, for controling body sugar levels – Glucopia, supports healthy libido – Maxiboost, relief of arthritis – Paingo and formula for headaches – Neurozeal.
The term herbal is derived from the word herb which means any plant part that you can use for perfume, medicine, flavouring, cooking and a lot of others. If it is for medicinal purposes it should have and exhibit therapeutic properties. Botanical is another name you can call or refer a herb.
A herb can be any part of a plant, it can be the plants roots, seeds, stems, leaves, bark, flowers and even the plants fruits. So a herbal supplement which is a dietary supplement, is something that is edible that you can swallow and eat, which contains one or a mixture of these plant parts.

Fresh Ingredients
Some of the well known herbs and natural supplements are Acai, Ginseng and Bay Leaf .
Herbal supplementation for medicinal purposes has a very long history that comes from almost every country and mentioned in human accounts and stories. One of the most Documented history in the use of this practice is in the ancient chinese herbal medicine, which is up until this present modern age of internet and scientific advancements are still in use.
In Countries like china, herbal medicine or alternative medicine are well accepted and are used since the very beginning of it’s history, uses this type of methods for healing, treating and sometimes cure patients that do not benefit from the current conventional drugs and pharmaceutical products.
You can also browse our website with interesting articles about vitamins and minerals. One of the most read is vitamin b12. The Vitamin B12 nutrient is very important. This vitamin is popular amongst vegetarians, but also a must read for meat eaters. Did you know that a deficiency in vitamin b12 can also happen among meat eaters? Here are highly absorbable vitamin b12 supplements. Read more about vitamin b12 deficiency. Have a Good Day!
More Information Below:
Vitamins and Minerals Supplements Info
Dietary Supplements that Works!
List of Herbal Supplements – Nutrition.gov
The information written here is not meant as medical advice. Please talk to your doctor or other qualified health professional prior to following what is written on the article or taking herbal supplements of any kind.